Friday, February 15, 2013

Cheeseman Park, Denver, CO

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A couple of weeks ago I took Rufus (my dog) down to a park here in Denver. It's a park I've only been to a handful of times in my more than a decade living in Denver. Not that it's a bad park, it's just not that close to me and I have to pass by a dozen other parks to get to this particular one.

In my spare time, I'm trying to write a novel. My protagonist lives near this park and I needed to know more about it, so I grabbed my camera and walked around, taking pictures of the park, the area around it and Rufus. Why? Because I'm a photographer in my own mind and we always take our cameras with us.

The light on this particular day was great, diffused by the clouds perfectly. A lot of the images I took were just pictures of the area so I didn't have to rush down there every time my character walked through the park, but I did get a handful I don't feel too bad sharing.

You can click on the collage above or the slideshow below for all the images from that morning.

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