Between computer problems and just plain laziness (oh, and some part-time work) I haven't been updating this blog very much. It's sad, really -- I haven't even been updating from mobile with mobile shots. Of course, in my defense, I haven't been been uploading to
Streamzoo, Google+ or anywhere else from mobile, either. For some reason I just haven't been able to capture a good picture with my Note II, even with the assistance of
However, I have taken pictures. I wish I could say hundreds, nay, thousands of images, but I haven't been that active with the camera recently. A couple of weeks ago I did go to
The Great Sand Dunes National Monument and while I captured a few good images, nothing spectacular crossed my lens. What stopped me from getting a great shot? No clouds or color to the sky other than blue; footprints in the sand marring any sense of natural wonder and my dog. Yes, I said 'my dog.'
How does Rufus prevent me from taking great shots? Simple, I had a leash in one hand and a camera in the other -- there was no room for carrying a tripod. That means as the sun inched closer to the horizon my ISO had to steadily creep higher until the images were grainy, even after converting to jpg.
Anywho, here's a picture. You came here to see pictures, right?
Arrakis |